# xecho - Extended echo

xecho is a utility designed to facilitate color usage in output,
offering a variety of shortcodes for easy integration into your text.

# ShortCodes:

ShortCode Result
{{ ERROR }} [ERROR] (text in red)
{{ GOOD }} [GOOD] (text in green)
{{ INFO }} [INFO] (text in grey)
{{ WARNING }} [WARNING] (text in yellow)
{{ ALERT }} [ALERT] (text in orange)
{{ NOTE }} [NOTE] (text in blue)
{{ IMPORTANT }} [IMPORTANT] (text in bold)
{{ SUCCESS }} [SUCCESS] (text in light green)
{{ E-shocked }} ⊙▂⊙
{{ E-smile }} ʘ‿ʘ
{{ E-angry }} ಠ_ರೃ
{{ E-sad }} ◕︵◕
{{ E-nervous }} ⊙﹏⊙
{{ E-gun }} ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
{{ E-heart }}
{{ E-star }}
{{ E-music }}
{{ E-moon }}
{{ E-cloud }} ☁︎
{{ E-arrowright }}
{{ E-arrowleft }}
{{ E-redo }}
{{ E-sleep }} ᶻz
{{ E-success }}
{{ E-fail }}
Page breaks:
{{ BR-scissors }} -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
{{ BR-star }} ────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────
{{ BR-specialdots }} ✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
{{ BR-heart }} ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
{{ BR-bear }} ━━━━━━ʕ•㉨•ʔ━━━━━━━
{{ BR-music }} 01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50
Text bullets:
{{ B-dot }}
{{ B-arrow }}
{{ B-dimond }}

# Tags:

Color Tag Example
Black <b> <b>word</b>
Red <r> <r>word</r>
Green <g> <g>word</g>
Yellow <y> <y>word</y>
Blue <bl> <bl>word</bl>
Purple <p> <p>word</p>
Cyan <c> <c>word</c>
White <w> <w>word</w>
Bold Colors:
Bold Black <bb> <bb>word</bb>
Bold Red <br> <br>word</br>
Bold Green <bg> <bg>word</bg>
Bold Yellow <by> <by>word</by>
Bold Blue <bbl> <bbl>word</bbl>
Bold Purple <bp> <bp>word</bp>
Bold Cyan <bc> <bc>word</bc>
Bold White <bw> <bw>word</bw>
Background Colors:
Black background <on_b> <on_b>word</on_b>
Red background <on_r> <on_r>word</on_r>
Green background <on_g> <on_g>word</on_g>
Yellow background <on_y> <on_y>word</on_y>
Blue background <on_bl> <on_bl>word</on_bl>
Purple background <on_p> <on_p>word</on_p>
Cyan background <on_c> <on_c>word</on_c>
White background <on_w> <on_w>word</on_w>
Bold High Intensity Colors:
Bold High Intensity Black <bib> <bib>word</bib>
Bold High Intensity Red <bir> <bir>word</bir>
Bold High Intensity Green <big> <big>word</big>
Bold High Intensity Yellow <biy> <biy>word</biy>
Bold High Intensity Blue <bibl> <bibl>word</bibl>
Bold High Intensity Purple <bip> <bip>word</bip>
Bold High Intensity Cyan <bic> <bic>word</bic>
Bold High Intensity White <biw> <biw>word</biw>
High Intensity Background Colors:
High Intensity Black background <on_ib> <on_ib>word</on_ib>
High Intensity Red background <on_ir> <on_ir>word</on_ir>
High Intensity Green background <on_ig> <on_ig>word</on_ig>
High Intensity Yellow background <on_iy> <on_iy>word</on_iy>
High Intensity Blue background <on_ibl> <on_ibl>word</on_ibl>
High Intensity Purple background <on_ip> <on_ip>word</on_ip>
High Intensity Cyan background <on_ic> <on_ic>word</on_ic>
High Intensity White background <on_iw> <on_iw>word</on_iw>

For example:

xecho "<on_ic><bir>I love bash </bir></on_ic><on_ir><bic> {{ E-heart }} </bic></on_ir>"

I love bash