# user_input

user_input is a function meant to take user input in and save it as a variable in the best way possible.

# Types

  • mail: validates a mail address.
    user_input mail "mail" "What is your mail address?"
  • int: only accepts integers, you can choose a range, if you dont want just use plane int.
    user_input age "int 1 100" "What is your age?"
    # OR
    user_input age "int" "What is your age?"
  • str: accepts only charecters.
    user_input string "str" "What is your name?"
  • opt: accepts only selection of inputs given after opt.
    ``` bash
    user_input username "txt" "What is your username?"

For example:

user_input protocol "opt tcp udp" "<g>{{ B-arrow }}</g> What protocol do you want to use? [<bl>tcp</bl>/<r>udp</r>] : "

Result: ➣ What protocol do you want to use? [tcp/udp] : udp (Now a variable named "protocol" was created with the value of "udp")