# Users image QA - Quality Assurance

In this page I will walk you trough how to help with quality assurance for AutoPilot.

# Prerequisites

  1. AutoPilot installed. (GitHub (opens new window))
  2. Some form of VM setup.

# Uderstand the goal

The entier mission behind quality assurance is to search for bugs beyond by own (Noam) inspection after commiting to GitHub, that means you as a QA tester would have to go that extra mile sometimes to find issues/bugs.

Try wierd values for directives, break the system, etc...

# Create your testing environment

While testing for issues/bugs its highly recommended to use some form of VM setup, to not harm your personal environment.


I would suggest using Vagrant (opens new window), as it enables the creation of lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.

Using a VM also enables me as the developer a way to recreate the exact circomstances you had while encountering an issue/bug.

# Write an issue

After you successfuly found an issue/bug, you should collect the following information:

  1. Your environment (e.g. ubuntu 22.04 LTS)
    For instance, if you used Vagrant you could simply supply your configuration file.
  2. AutoPilot configuration.
  3. Step by step on how to recreate the issue.

If you'r nice you could try to supply a fix to the bug/issue 😁

Then you can write an issue here (opens new window).

Huge thank you to anyone willing to contribute! 🙏