# docs image Contribute to AutoPilots docs

In this page I will walk you trough how to contribute to AutoPilots documentation.

# Prerequisites

  1. docs.alum.sh forked (opens new window) on your GitHub account.
  2. Text editor.
  3. NodeJS version v20.5.0 (opens new window).

# Preper setup

Go to the cloned repo (From your fork), and run the following line:

sudo npm install

This will install all the dependencies needed to run the website localy.

Then start vuepress development mode by using:

npm run docs:dev

You should get something like this:

success [21:51:02] Build 462a65 finished in 10944 ms! 
> VuePress dev server listening at http://localhost:8080/

# Create/Edit page/s

This website uses markdown (opens new window) to store pages.

# If you want to edit a page:

First locate the page, all pages are stored in the docs/ directory.
Then open the .md file in your choosen file editor and start editing 😁.


After starting vuepress in development mode, you can view live all changes by entering http://localhost:8080/.

# If you want to create a page:

VuePress uses a configuration file to build the website, it is located at docs/.vuepress/config.js.

After you've created a new page.

You would have to insert your new page to the given section on the side bar, for example if I created a new .md file in the docs/AutoPilot/HowTo named create-new-plugin.md I would change this part of the config:

          title: 'AutoPilot - It\'s simple',
          children: [
              title: 'Directives',
              children: [
              title: 'HowTo',
              children: [
              title: 'Contribute',
              children: [


          title: 'AutoPilot - It\'s simple',
          children: [
              title: 'Directives',
              children: [
              title: 'HowTo',
              children: [
              title: 'Contribute',
              children: [


In the configuration file when you specify an .md file you do not include the extention.

# Send a PR

After you successfuly made your changes and verified that everything works using vuepress development mode, push your changes to your fork, then send a PR.


If you want to ask for changes refer here (opens new window).

Huge thank you to anyone willing to contribute! 🙏